CELINA, OH - There will be a free Small Business Information Series running every Tuesday from March 11 through April 15 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. The series will be held at the Borra Center of Health Science on the campus of Rhodes State College. Wright State–Lake Campus is a simulcast location. The invited counties are Allen, Auglaize, Hancock, Hardin, Mercer, Paulding, Putnam, and Van Wert. Those who attend all six sessions and a one-on-one counseling session will receive a Small Business Training Certificate and a Complete Business Plan!
Week 1 - So.....You Want to be an Entrepreneur
Week 2 - Launch and Grow Your Business Right Feasibility Study
Week 3 - Marketing and Social Media
Week 4 - Financial Accounting 101
Week 5 - Profitability Analysis
Week 6 - Acquiring Capital and Risk Management
Visit the Lake Campus Workforce Development and Business Enterprise Center for more information or email wdbec-lake@wright.edu.