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Counseling Services
You may need additional support at times during your college journey. Counseling services are available to help you through a variety of difficulties you may be experiencing.
Are you
- Feeling overwhelmed and/or struggling with time management?
- Feeling depressed, sad, or lonely?
- Dealing with relationship difficulties?
- Struggling to manage feelings of anger?
- Adjusting to being away from family or familiar situations?
- Feeling stressed?
- Struggling to make decisions?
- Using alcohol, drugs, or food that are of concern to you or others?
- Dealing with other emotional or behavioral issues?
Spring 2025—The counselor is available (in person or virtually) by appointment on Mondays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Location: 176 Dwyer Hall
Counseling services are provided by: Kim Altstaetter, LPCCS, CDCA.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please email Kim Altstaetter at kimberly.altstaetter@wright.edu or call 419-586-0398.
All services are confidential; however, enrollment will be verified.
Suicide Prevention
If you are currently experiencing a crisis situation or suicidal thoughts, help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the following numbers:
Local crisis hotline: 1-800-567-HOPE (4673)
Ohio text crisis line: Text 4hope to 741-741
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 or 988
Local law enforcement: 419-586-7724
Recognizing life can become overwhelming at times, we want all students, staff, and faculty to be aware of the warning signs of suicide. Suicide is a preventable death most often triggered by feelings of depression. Below are some warning signs of suicide:
- Talking about death, dying, or making plans to die
- Expressing a lack of hope regarding the future
- Speaking or displaying emotional pain (recent losses, feelings like something is wrong with them)
- Recent changes in behavior:
- Excessive use of alcohol and/or drugs
- Changes in eating habits
- Changes in sleeping (either sleeping more or not sleeping)
- Extreme changes in mood and/or increase in irritability
What should you do if you recognize the above warning signs of suicide in someone? Here are some tips:
- Ask them about their feelings or if they are okay.
- Listen to them. Be a good friend.
- Express your concern for them.
- Let them know you care.
- Connect them to assistance either by contacting a hotline or taking them to the local ER or to talk to the counselor on campus. Here are some scenarios and possible solutions:
- If you see a student is stressed, anxious, would like to speak to someone, but is NOT thinking about harming themselves, refer them to counseling services.
- If you see a student who IS thinking about harming themselves—call 419-586-7724 for law enforcement assistance.
- If a student HAS harmed themselves (cutting, taken pills, etc.)—call 911 or 419-586-7724 for medical/law enforcement assistance IMMEDIATELY.
What can I do if I have been sexually assaulted?
- Seek medical attention. At the nearest emergency room, you can ask for a sexual assault kit to be done
- Preserve the evidence of the attack.
- Do not bathe or brush your teeth
- Keep the clothing involved in the assault
- Write down any details you can recall
- You have options regarding reporting, and we are here to help! See the paths you can choose to report involvement in sexual misconduct (PDF).
All services are confidential!
What is consent?
NO means NO!
- "Stop" and "Don't" mean NO
- Turning away means NO
- "I don't want to" or "I don't feel like it" means NO
- Passed out, drunk, or drugged means NO
- "Leave me alone" means NO
- Crying means NO
- "Get away from me" means NO
- Shoving you away means NO
- "I'm not ready" means NO
Yes means one thing—freely given consent where both person's needs, wants, and desires are an integral part of the interaction.