
Research Support

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Identifying Research Funding Support

So, you have an idea for a project focused on research, instruction, public service or creative activity, and you want to turn that idea into a proposal and you want to identify a potential avenue for funding. Where do you turn to find a source of funding for your work? Let us help provide you with some information on existing internal funding sources, as well as provide links to finding outside sponsors for your project.

Lake Campus Faculty Development

Submission Deadline: November 18, 2022 and March 20, 2023

The Lake Campus Professional Development Grant Program is a college-specific funding program designed to provide funds for all faculty activities related to engaging professional development and growth, particularly for pursuits that facilitate faculty promotion or advancement where external funding is typically unavailable. Requests up to $1,250 per proposal are considered. All faculty, including tenure-eligible, instructors, and lecturers are encouraged to apply.

To apply, please prepare a proposal packet that includes, the following components:

  1. Grant Cover Page
    • Including Project Name, Investigator(s) Name, Date Submitted, Period of Performance and Amount Requested
  2. Project Narrative
    • Narratives are not to exceed three pages and must include a timeline, statement of relevance to Lake Campus and community, as well as a statement as to how funding will aid in faculty professional advancement or promotion.
  3. Investigator Qualifications
    • Qualifications are not to exceed one page
  4. List of Investigator’s Current Funding
    • This must include both external and internal funding
  5. Budget
    • Please note that this budget expenses must not include conference-related travel

Please see a Wright State University—Lake Campus professional development grant sample (PDF) for format and style.

The proposal packet will be reviewed by an internal committee. Accepted applicants will be expected to complete all outlined activities by the submitted timeline. Funded applicants are expected to share their findings with their respective academic communities within one semester of the completion of the project. Appropriate venues for meeting this requirement include presenting at an academic conference, speaking at a community event, or publishing a manuscript. Additionally, funded applicants must present their findings at the Spring Lake Campus Annual Research Symposium.

Priority will be given to original project ideas from applicants who have not received funding the previous year.

Lake Campus Student Mini-Grants

Submission Deadline: Rolling

Purpose: The Wright State University–Lake Campus student-centered mini-grant program is a college-specific funding program designed to complement the faculty's internal granting program. This program is intended to provide project funds for any student involved with faculty research. Requests up to $500 per proposal are considered. Funds are designed to help offset the costs of research materials, travel, and conference presentation expenses. All students are encouraged to apply. Students must have a faculty mentor.

To apply, please prepare a proposal packet that includes:

  1. Grant Cover Page
    • Including project name, investigator(s) name, faculty mentor name, date submitted, period of performance, and amount requested
  2. Project Narrative
    • Narratives are not to exceed one page and must include a timeline and statement of relevance to Wright State University—Lake Campus and community
  3. Budget
    • Budgets are not to exceed one page and should total less than $500.

Please see a Wright State University—Lake Campus student-centered mini-grant sample (PDF) for format and style.

The proposal packet will be reviewed by an internal committee. Accepted applicants will be expected to complete all outlined activities by the aforementioned timeline. Funded applicants are expected to share their findings with the Wright State University–Lake Campus through a student presentation, poster, or other activity in conjunction with their faculty mentor.

Western Ohio Educational Foundation (WOEF) Grant

Submission Deadlines: To be determined

The Western Ohio Educational Foundation financial resources are intended to fill gaps in internal funding for scholarships, grants, and loans that benefit the students who attend Wright State University—Lake Campus. The foundation anticipates receiving many more grant requests than it will be able to fund and, as a result, has adopted the following guidelines.

The Board of Trustees of the foundation has absolute discretion in selecting recipients of WOEF grants and in determining the number of grants. The foundation trustees may make such amendments and modifications of the guidelines pertaining to the selection of grant recipients, the amount of each grant and the payment of grants as they determine. 

To apply, please follow the appropriate guidelines as outlined by the WOEF board in their communications to the campus community.

External Funding Support


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