The Lake Campus Research Initiative provides a campus-wide framework to encourage scholarly activities by faculty and students. The program is designed to support scholarship by providing funding for research infrastructure, supplies, travel, and publishing costs as well as by sponsoring events that contribute to the campus' research mission.
The Lake Campus Research Committee is pleased to present the sixth annual Lake Campus Research Symposium and Annual Research Report. The Research Symposium provides an opportunity for the campus to showcase the scholarly achievements of faculty and students and represents one of the pillars of the Lake Campus Research Initiative. In addition, the committee is excited to share the 2020 Annual Lake Campus Research Review, a report that documents scholarship at the college level and demonstrates faculty and student commitment to pedagogy and respective scholarly disciplines to advance classrooms, study areas, and community.
Note that this 2021 symposium has been moved online as part of efforts to mitigate spread of COVID-19. Click on the posters for full size displays, open the Research Review document for full length abstracts, and email authors with any questions or comments about the work. Congratulations to Lake faculty and students for their success and much encouragement for the future.
Design and Implementation of a Remote Sensing Autonomous Aerial Drone

Serial Grinding and 3-D Imaging

The Pandemic and Courses at WSU-Lake: What Was the Effect from a Student Perspective?

Autonomous Aerial Remote-Sensing Drone

Implications of Aging Out of Foster Care

Variation in Student Perceptions of Higher Education Course Quality and Difficulty as a Result of the Widespread Implementation of Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Paracelsus on Natural and Supernatural Sentient Beings, including Nymphs, Gnomes, Pygmies, Ghosts, Angels, and Demons

United States Military Families and Healthcare

Native American Culture and Healthcare

A Shackled Death

The Negative Cognitive Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children

Commonality of Using Mindfulness and Meditation to Treat Anxiety and Depression

On the Importance of Fossil and Archaeological Occurrence Data for Understanding the Evolution and Distribution of the Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) in North America

African American Culture and Healthcare

The Effects of Being Raised in a Same-Sex Household

Resilience and the Effect that Attachment Has on Adolescents in Relation to Trauma

Single Parenting: The Impact on Child Development

Amish Culture and Healthcare

Grand Lake St. Marys Water Quality Monitoring Format

Asian-American Culture and Healthcare

Caffeine on Stream Food Webs Via Chemical Diffusing Substrata

Mental Health Risks in Early Care and Education Workers

Hispanic and Latino Culture and Healthcare

Importance and Challenges of Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms in Grand Lake St. Marys

Prioritizing Mental Health for Police Officers

Does the Use of Pressure Reducing Devices Versus Other Nursing Interventions Reduce the Occurrence of Pressure Ulcers Among Immobile Population

Jewish American Culture and Healthcare

How Does the User of Non-Pharmacological Pain Interventions Compare to Pharmacological Interventions in Reducing Pain

What are Parent's Opinions on the Subject of School Lunches?

What is the Effect of Delayed Cord Clamping in Comparison to Early Cord Clamping on Newborn's Overall Health?

What is the Effect of Oral Contraceptives in Comparison to Contraceptive Implants on the Effectiveness of Preventing Pregnancy?

Does Skin-To-Skin Contact in Comparison to Newborn Parental Separation After Birth Reduce Stress Related Complications Prior to Discharge Home in Newborns?

What is the Effect of Having an Active Lifestyle Compared to a Sedentary Lifestyle on Mental Health Among Adults Ages 20-40?

Academic Performance in Children Adopted from Foster Care

The Devastating Effects of the Stigma that Surrounds Mental Illness

The Quality of Life in Elderly Living in a Nursing home vs Living at Home

Good or Bad: The Impact of the Juvenile Justice System on Youth

Examining the Benefits of Extended Foster Care on the Development of Teens Transitioning into Adulthood

Shifting the Focus of the Foster Care System from Reunification to Stability

High-k Dielectric Materials for Ultra-Wide Band Gap Transistor

Are Woman’s Opinions on Plastic Surgery Influenced by Age?

Jackanape and the Fingermen

Are Patients Who Have Mental Illness at Increased Risk for Readmittance to Hospital Compared to Those Without Mental Illness?

Measuring the Effectiveness of Implicit Bias Education on 5th Graders