Academic and Career Advising

Student Success Center

On this page:

The mission of the Student Success Center is to serve as a center for learning assistance, which provides an academic support structure for students to develop key learning skills, enhance their confidence, and increase their independence. Tutors help students develop a deeper understanding of class material and gain successful skills that can improve their overall GPA. They assess students' academic strengths and challenges and develop strategies for time management, test-taking, textbook reading, memorization, and note-taking. Students can request and be matched for appointments with tutors on staff throughout the term.  

About the Center

Hours and Contact

Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Phone: 419-586-0360
Location: 230 Dwyer Hall

At the Student Success Center, we’re here to help you reach your fullest potential as a student. Whether you’re looking for a study partner, need to learn how to navigate WINGS and Pilot, or just want to find out how to meet your maximum potential in your classes, make an appointment today to get started. 

We offer the following FREE services to all Wright State University—Lake Campus students:

  • General tutoring
  • Workshops (by appointment)
  • Study groups (by appointment)
  • A friendly, inviting space to study, learn, and collaborate
  • Professional and student tutoring
  • Institutional resources
  • Computer workstations

Schedule A Free Tutoring Appointment

  1. Log into WINGS with your campus username and password.
  2. Select Student Success Portal.

Book a Study Room

You can book a study room online. 

Book the Zen Den

Book 30 minutes of relaxation in the Zen Den

Our Goals

  • To provide academic support so that students can meet the demands of college-level coursework
  • To help students develop self-awareness, self-direction, and self-confidence
  • To empower students to become independent and meet their full academic, professional, and personal potential

Download our printable PDF flyer

Resources & Services (Writing & Math)

We offer face-to-face peer tutoring!


Writers of all skill levels can benefit from informed feedback about their writing. Wright State University provides funding so that students may have writing consultations free of charge. Our staff of trained undergraduate and graduate writing coaches from across the disciplines can provide support at any stage of your writing process. While we will not write or edit your work for you, a conversation with a writing coach can help you:

  • Discover the strengths and weaknesses in a piece of writing
  • Understand assignment criteria
  • Make sense of your source materials
  • Generate and organize your ideas
  • Develop a writing plan
  • Formulate a thesis statement
  • Develop your content
  • Create compelling introductions and conclusions
  • Learn how to properly quote and paraphrase information from sources
  • Learn how to properly cite your sources
  • Develop revision and editing strategies
  • Prepare your writing for publication/presentation

If you are interested in becoming a writing coach, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section for details.

In addition to providing personal peer coaching, the Writing Center also offers the following resources:

  • Mini-manuals providing basic format and citation information for APA and MLA styles
  • Six networked computers for word processing and research applications
  • Adaptive equipment for students with disabilities
  • A library of reference materials you can use while in the center
  • Individual Study Room - an individual office is available inside the SSC for students to schedule in 2-hour time blocks. This office can be used for quiet studying, online classes and testing.
  • Computer Stations
  • White Board Tables


Math tutors can help you become a more skilled, confident, and independent learner of mathematics. We provide a welcoming and supportive environment that empowers you to engage in conversations that deepen your knowledge and understanding of mathematics.

The SSC provides individualized student evaluation and instruction from a full-time director and a staff of peer tutors who are knowledgeable of best tutoring practices.

We look forward to your participation and hope that the Student Success Center becomes an integral part of your academic success. Come early and often, as our services are free to Wright State students!

Online Learning Resources

We hope you stop by the SSC to make an appointment, just walk in to see if we have a tutor available or schedule your appointment via Slate in WINGS.

More Resources

Support in college is essential to success. From helping you prioritize your week, to setting goals, we are here for you and to help you be as successful as possible. Meet with one of our tutors to help you through more than just your coursework, but learning skills to help you be a better student. We can work with you in any area you may need. In fact, we have professional tutors who are well experienced in this area. 

Below are FREE handouts that will help you during your college career:

Style Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I become a tutor?

    To qualify to work as a writing tutor, applicants must:

    • Be at or above sophomore status
    • Have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA
    • Complete ENG 1100 with an A or B


  • Can a tutor help me with Word, PowerPoint, and other software?

    Our writing tutors are not specifically trained on handling software questions. However, your tutor may be able to answer any basic software questions that they feel familiar with.

  • What happens if I miss my appointment?

    If you are unable to make it to your appointment, please call the Student Success Center at 419-586-0333. Your appointment may count as a no-show if:

    • You don't show up for your appointment without calling
    • You arrive past your appointment time and your tutor has started working with another student
    • You arrive past your appointment time and decide to wait until the next session block

    After three no-shows, you will not be able to schedule any more appointments for the remainder of the semester. You may still use the Student Success Center on a walk-in basis.


  • Is there a fee to use the Student Success Center?

    No. The Student Success Center is free for all currently enrolled Wright State students. In order to sign into a session, you must have a Wright1 Card, or UID and identification.

  • How often can I come to the Student Success Center?

    You may have up to two half-hour sessions a day (you can split them up, or combine them into a one-hour session), with a maximum of four half-hour sessions a week.

  • How will my instructor know that I have visited the Student Success Center?

    At the end of your session, you can request that your writing tutor provide you with a visit card that states the date, the time of your session, and the title of your assignment. You are responsible for bringing this card to your instructor.

  • Will a writing tutor edit my paper and fix my grammar?

    No. Our tutors use a discussion-based method of challenge and support to help you develop your skills as a writer. While we will not write or edit your work for you, a conversation with a writing tutor can help you with:

    • Assignment criteria and planning
    • Research and idea generation
    • Academic reading strategies
    • Organizing and drafting
    • Formulating a thesis statement and developing content
    • Using appropriate evidence, quoting, and paraphrasing
    • Citing sources in APA, MLA, or Chicago style
    • Editing for clarity, concision, and tone
    • Mechanics, usage, and grammar
    • Proofreading strategies
    • Format and layout
    • Strategies and resources for future academic success


  • What kinds of writing can I bring to the Student Success Center?

    Writing tutors can help you with a variety of writing assignments, including summaries, analyses, evaluations, narratives, research papers, technical writing, business writing, and creative writing.

  • Do I need to bring a hard copy of my paper?

    No—we have computers available if you’d prefer to work with a digital copy of your paper. There are also outlets if you bring a laptop, and a printer is located right outside the office for your use.

  • What should I do to prepare for my session?

    It is most helpful for our tutors, and most productive for your session, if you come prepared with questions, or an idea of what you’d like to discuss about your assignment. Depending on what stage of the writing process you are at, it is useful to bring any pre-writing, research, assignment instructions, feedback from your professor, or anything else that is relevant to the assignment that you’re working on.


  • What should I bring to my session?

    Please bring your Wright1 Card (or UID and identification) to sign in. If you’re working on a paper, you may bring a hard copy or use one of our computers to access a digital copy. We also have outlets if you prefer to work on your laptop. Please bring any additional materials relevant to your session (this may include a syllabus, rubric, pre-writing, research, etc.).

  • Who are the writing tutors?

    All of our tutors are Wright State University—Lake Campus students. They come from a variety of disciplines including liberal arts, engineering and science, social science, medicine, and more, and are prepared to help you with writing assignments from any of your courses.


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