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Registration for Fall 2024 orientation is now open! You must complete your Statement of Intent before you can register for orientation.
Register for orientation in your Admissions Portal. There is an orientation registration link in your Application Checklist.
Orientation is a program designed to assist students transiting to Wright State University. Participation will improve your overall understanding of academic programs, course registration, student life, and university policies and procedures. Attending orientation will set the tone for your entire college experience, so make sure to attend this welcoming, fun, and productive program.
During your orientation you will:
Lake Campus offers orientation once a year, during the summer. New students coming directly from high school and College Credit Plus students starting Fall 2024 are required to attend an orientation session. Orientation is where you will register for classes and learn about the services available to you as a Wright State University—Lake Campus student.
Registration for Fall 2024 orientation is now open! You must complete your Statement of Intent before you can register for orientation.
Register for orientation in your Admissions Portal. There is an orientation registration link in in your Application Checklist.
Did you earn college credit during high school? Here’s how to have those credits applied at Wright State.
Become familiar with your Wright State accounts. Log in to your Admissions Portal with the email and password you used to apply to the university. Follow the steps on your dashboard to reset password for your account. Make sure to write down your UID, campus username, and email address, and new password. You will need all of this information during your orientation session. If you need assistance with WINGS visit the CaTS Student Support page for step-by-step instructions.
Check your financial aid status. If you plan to use federal financial aid to help pay for classes, you will need to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you've already submitted your FAFSA, you can check your status in WINGS under Financial Aid. You might have outstanding requirements, such as verification, so it's important to make sure all requirements are satisfied. For additional information about your award notice, visit the Enrollment Services website.
Apply for Lake Campus housing. If you plan to live on campus, you will need to apply to live in campus housing. You will find the application through a link in your admissions portal, or through WINGS. Assignments will be made according to the time and date of application for students who have submitted a complete application with pre-payment, so apply early!
If you are a new student planning to start in the Summer Semester, please contact us at lakeenrollmentservices@wright.edu.
You can only be registered for one orientation date. If you need to change the date you are registered for please contact the Enrollment Services (ES) Office at lakeenrollmentservices@wright.edu or the enrollment advisor you have been working with!
Please feel free to contact the Office of Enrollment Services if you have questions about orientation.
Lake Campus Enrollment Services
Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that Wright State University–Lake Campus has to offer by visiting campus.