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The Wright State University Faculty Senate adopted a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) policy in August 2015 that recognizes that students may acquire knowledge equivalent to that obtained through completion of courses through their professional experience or other methods of instruction.
Prior knowledge may be demonstrated in three ways:
Discuss these options with your advisor.
To complete your PLA application process please choose one of the following
The other two PLA options are:
Either of these options is initiated by completing the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) form (PDF). The cost for the options is a non-refundable fee of $150. These items must be submitted prior to taking the exam or submitting the portfolio. The PLA must be completed in the same semester in which the fee and PLA form are submitted. Students are able to submit PLA up to two times. There is a $75, non-refundable fee for submitting the second PLA for the same course.
Below is the list of PLA options at Wright State. The tables are organized by college. Students must demonstrate mastery of the learning outcomes for the Wright State course listed by either exam or portfolio. The contact person, campus address, and campus telephone number are listed for each course. The tables (DOCX) below displaying Wright State courses that are eligible for prior learning assessment may be downloaded. The tables will be updated annually in July. Changes may occur during the academic year.
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
CS 1150: Intro to | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 1160: Intro to | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 1180: Computer Science I | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 1181: Computer Science II | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 2160: Visual Basic Programming | 3 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 2200: Discrete Structures and their Algorithms | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 2800: Web Development I | 3 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 3100: Data Structures & Algorithms | 3 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CS 3700: Intro to Oracle/SQL Databases | 3 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CEG 2170: Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CEG 2350: Operating System Concepts and Usage | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CEG 2400: Intro to PC Networking | 3 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
CEG 3310: Computer Organization | 4 | Exam | C | Wendy Chetcuti |
EGR 1010: Intro Mathematics for Engineering Apps | 4 | Exam | C | Heather Casto, M.Ed. |
EGR 3350: Technical Communications for Engineers and Scientists | 3 | Portfolio | C | Heather Casto, M.Ed. 209 Russ Engineering 937-775-5040 |
EE 2000: Digital Design with HDL | 4 | Exam | C | Amanda Ellen Stewart, M.S. 405 Russ Engineering 937-775-5034 |
EE 2010: Circuit Analysis I | 4 | Exam | C | Amanda Ellen Stewart, M.S. 405 Russ Engineering 937-775-5034 |
EE 3210: Linear Systems I | 4 | Exam | C | Amanda Ellen Stewart, M.S. 405 Russ Engineering 937-775-5034 |
ISE 2211: Statistics for Engineers | 3 | Exam | C | Jen Walsh, M.B.A./Sherry Cwiakala |
ME 1020: Engineering Programming with Matlab | 3 | Exam | C | Heather Casto, M.Ed. |
ME 1040: Engineering Design and Solid Modeling | 4 | Exam | C | Heather Casto, M.Ed. 209 Russ Engineering 937-775-5040 |
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
3 | Portfolio | C | Shengrong Cai | |
3 | Portfolio | C | Shengrong Cai | |
3 | Portfolio | C | Shengrong Cai | |
3 | Portfolio | C | Shengrong Cai | |
MPA 7950: Master of Public Administration (MPA) Internship | 3 | Portfolio | C | Daniel Warshawsky, Ph.D. |
PHL 3000: Critical Thinking | 3 | Exam | C | Donovan Miyasaki |
Languages |
FR 1010-2020: French | 3–12 | Exam | C | Shirley Barber, B.A. 378 Allyn Hall 937-775-2942 |
GER 1010-2020: German | 3–12 | Exam | C | Shirley Barber, B.A. 378 Allyn Hall 937-775-2942 |
GR 1010-2020: Greek | 3–12 | Exam | C | Jeannette Marchand, Ph.D. |
ITA 1010-2020: Italian | 3–12 | Exam | C | Shirley Barber, B.A. 378 Allyn Hall 937-775-2942 |
LAT 1010-2020: Latin | 3–12 | Exam | C | Jeannette Marchand, Ph.D. |
SP 1010-2020: Spanish | 3–12 | Exam | C | Shirley Barber, B.A. 378 Allyn Hall 937-775-2942 |
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
ASL 1010-2020: American Sign Language | 3-12 | Exam | C | Barbara Dunaway, M.I.P. 372 Millett Hall 937-775-4166 |
HLT 3400: Concepts of Pharmacology | 3 | NLN Exam proctored at Wright State | 75 percent | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 4810: Nursing Care in Genomics Era | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 4830: Holistic Nursing Practices Using Complementary and Alternative Therapies | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 4850: Collaborating for Improving Patient Health Outcomes | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 4860: Policy and Politics: Leading and Managing Health Care | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 4870: Advancing Communities Towards Healthy Outcomes | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 7002: Information Technology in Health Care | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
NUR 7005: Nursing Research and Evidence for Practice | 3 | Portfolio | C | Ann Bowling, Ph.D. 205 Millett Hall 937-775-2596 |
OL 4025: Community-Based Internship | 3 | Portfolio | C | Mindy McNutt, Ph.D. 465 Millett Hall 937-775-2447 |
KNH 2500: Basic Anatomy and Physiology | Portfolio | C | ||
KNH 2600: First Aid | Portfolio | C | ||
SAA 7650: Internship in Student Affairs I | 1-3 | C | Carol Patitu, Ph.D. 466 Millett Hall 937-775-4148 |
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
ANT 2100/L: Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 | Exam | C | Bridgett Severt, M.S., 937-775-2126 |
ANT 2120/L: Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 4 | Exam | C | Bridgett Severt, M.S., 937-775-2126 |
ANT 3100/L: Human Structure and Function I | 4 | Exam | C | Bridgett Severt, M.S., 937-775-2126 |
ANT 3120/L: Human Structure and Function II | 4 | Exam | C | Bridgett Severt, M.S., 937-775-2126 |
MTH 2240: Applied Calculus | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. |
MTH 2280: Business Calculus | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2300: Calculus I | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2310: Calculus II | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2320: Calculus III | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2330: Differential Equations | 3 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2350: Differential Equations with Matrix Algebra | 4 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2530: Elementary Linear Algebra | 3 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 2570: Discrete Mathematics | 3 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 3320: Complex Variables | 3 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
MTH 3330: Partial Differential Equations | 3 | Exam | C | Susan Conver, M.Ed. 120 Mathematical and Microbiological Sciences Bldg. 937-775-2782 |
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
CRT 2030: Introduction to Probation & Parole | 3 | Exam | C | Mark Ernst, M.S. 240 Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0319 |
IT 1300: Illustration | 3 | Portfolio | C | Teresa Richter, M.S. 230R Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0395 |
IT 2010: Photoshop | 3 | Portfolio | C | Teresa Richter, M.S. 230R Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0395 |
IT 2400: Employment Portfolio Development | 2 | Portfolio | C | Teresa Richter, M.S. 230R Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0395 |
LE 1000: Introduction to Law Enforcement | 3 | Exam | C | Mark Ernst, M.S. 240 Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0319 |
LE 1000: Introduction to Law Enforcement | 3 | Portfolio | C | Mark Ernst, M.S. 240 Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0319 |
LE 1100-1150: Police Academy 1–6 | 18 | Portfolio | C | Mark Ernst, M.S. 240 Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0319 |
LE 2990: Law Enforcement Internship | 3 | Portfolio | C | Mark Ernst, M.S. 240 Dwyer Hall Lake Campus 419-586-0319 |
TEG 2910: Maintenance Fundamentals and Industrial Mechanics | 8 | Exam or Portfolio (Certificate of completion for Green Module and ToolingU report showing completion of modules for Labs 1-8) | C | Tammy Eilerman |
TEG 2920: Industrial Electricity and Fluid Power | 7 | Exam or Portfolio (Certificate of completion for Yellow Module and ToolingU report showing completion of modules for Labs 9-22) | C | Tammy Eilerman |
TEG 2930: Basic Machining and Welding | 6 | Exam or Portfolio (Certificate of completion for White Module and ToolingU report showing completion of modules for Labs 47-56) | C | Tammy Eilerman |
TEG 2940: Industrial Controls and PLCS | 4 | Exam or Portfolio (Certificate of completion for Red Module and ToolingU report showing completion of modules for Labs 23-34) | C | Tammy Eilerman |
TEG 2950: Automation Systems | 5 | Exam or Portfolio (Certificate of completion for Blue Module and ToolingU report showing completion of modules for Labs 35-46) | C | Tammy Eilerman |
Wright State Course | Credit Hours | PLA Method | Minimum Score | Contact Person |
FIN 2050: Personal Financial Decision Making | 3 | Exam | C | Finance and Financial Services 296 Rike Hall 937-775-3175 |
MGT 3210: Human Resources Management | 3 | Portfolio | Proof of Passing the HR Professional Certification | David Bright, Ph.D. Chair, Management 250 Rike Hall 937-775-2291 |
MGT 3210: Human Resources Management | 3 | Exam | Pass internal placement exam | David Bright, Ph.D. Chair, Management 250 Rike Hall 937-775-2291 |
Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that Wright State University–Lake Campus has to offer by visiting campus.